Step One
Begin by identifying the sensation in your body, the feeling, the discomfort or the thought that makes up a negative experience [NegExp]. Try to be specific and concrete in identifying this [NegExp]. It may be helpful to assess your degree of discomfort by assessing it between 10 (the worst it could possibly be) and 0 (a complete absence of discomfort). |
Step Two
Rub the “Sore Spot” with two fingers while saying to yourself or aloud,
Even though I am have this [NegExp],
I deeply and completely accept myself.”
Do this 3 times. (The sore spot is approximately 3 inches down from the top your sternum and 3 inches left or right.) |
Step Three
Now touch and breathe on each touch spot, one at a time, moving from high to low. With firm, consistent pressure use two fingers to touch each spot, while saying the NegExp to yourself or aloud. Follow your words by taking a full, deep breath, while continuing to press with your fingers. Move to the next spot.
- Eye-brow (closest to your nose)
- Side of the Eye (on the bone)
- Under the Eye (on the bone directly under your iris)
- Under the Nose
- Above the Chin (under the lip)
- Collar Bone (on either prominence as the clavicle attaches to the sternum)
- Under the Arm (4 inches under the arm pit where a bra tends to go)
- Top of the Head
Touch Spots
Step Four
Now, take a deep breath and assess your NegExp once again. How has your NegExp changed in either degree or quality. For a partial or no change in degree, try an additional cycle by thinking about and stressing the words, “Even though I STILL have this [NegExp], I deeply and completely accept myself.” Continue with the entire cycle as in steps 2, 3 and 4. For a change in quality, try an additional cycle by focusing on the new qualitative and repeating steps 1, 2, 3 & 4. Results vary and repetition helps. |